Macky 2 has tested negative for covid 19

Macky 2 has tested negative for covid 19
Prominent zambian musician macky 2 his not happy about how people are..the artist said on his fb page " One minute they say"Am a good guy who is always helping young artists"The next minute ati " Wama jealous Ala Chinga Abaiche" when a zambian artist makes it they say " They are self made" when they fail they blame it on other people. Some people will bite the feeding hand and later insala Ngayaponona They make it look like they are the victim.#KubantuTakwabaChisuma. Additionally he said "I have ignored these chaps for years but maybe I should just start taking people to court for lying kaili #JusticeforBuga.Macky  2 letter concluded that he just got his Covid 19 results and his Negative for the virus #BANYALALA and further said for now I feel free to blame everything on himself.